The main purpose of rehabilitation programs in our prisons is to reduce the rate in which incarcerated people return to prison or their former lifestyle of crime once released. The issue of the high recidivism rate in our prison system today has not been a hot topic for the presidential candidates, but it should be. The recidivism rate has been growing for the past few decades. It jumped 5% between 1984 and 1993. Today, the national recidivism rate is 67%. This percentage is outrageous. How have we been able to reduce crime on the streets but not been able to reduce the rate in which formerly incarcerated people return to crime? It is largely because of the “tough on crime” attitude of the 1990s. This big talking approach to crime made major cut-backs on rehabilitation programs around the country. In the mid 90s only 6% of the $22 billion budget states used for prisons was spent on in-prison programs that educated, empowered, and prepared inmates to reenter society.
Although neither McCain nor Obama have focused on rehabilitation as a means to reducing recidivism in their campaigns, they do have clear stances on criminal justice, much of which plays a large role in the punishment vs. rehabilitation topic. Their past also gives us some insight into how they stand on this issue. asked the question to the candidates that I have wondered myself– “should the US develop programs that focus more on rehabilitation than punishment in order to reduce its rate of incarceration?” This is what Barack Obama’s Civil Rights article on his official website says about the issue. It states as follows:
"Obama will give first-time, non-violent offenders a chance to serve their sentence, where appropriate, in the type of drug rehabilitation programs that have proven to work better than a prison term in changing bad behavior."
This, along with other statements regarding Obama’s platform indicate his agreement that rehabilitation more than punishment needs to be our main focus. As of July 2008, was unable to find McCain’s stance on this issue. McCain’s campaign was emailed and asked this question directly but there has yet to be a reply. This does not mean he is for or against a focus on rehabilitation above punishment, but there is no direct statements telling us his view. However other platforms and his past give us insight into where he stands on relating issues.
Past Positions:
In Obama’s one term as senator of Illinois he co-sponsored the Second Chance Act of 2007, which provided greater support for inmates reentering society through programs and state requirements. He was also the cosponsor of the Count Every Vote Act of 2005 which included voting rights of individuals convicted of criminal offenses. Although this act does not specifically relate to rehabilitation, it shows support for greater acceptance of formerly incarcerated people into our society. McCain was also in support of the Second Chance Act of 2007.
In 2004 about 20% of state prisoners and 53% of federal prisoners were sentenced with drug offenses. One of the major parts of rehabilitation is drug rehab. Because of this, drugs play a large role in the issue of rehabilitation and recidivism. Both Obama and McCain have substance use tied into their pasts. Obama has admitted to using marijuana and cocaine in his youth and McCain admits to heavy drinking. McCain’s wife Cindy struggled with an addiction to prescription drugs that resulted in a DEA investigation but did not lead to a criminal charge. This information from their pasts might give us better insight into their positions today.
What they say today:
The 2008 presidential campaign has caused the candidates to define more clearly the differences between their future plans and opinions on criminal justice policy.
McCain supports stricter penalties for violent felons and laws that make sure violent criminals serve their full sentence without parol. He supports a larger budget to build more federal prisons. In regards to rehabilitation, McCain supports programs that teach inmates vocational and job-related skills, job-placement programs for released inmates, and drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs.
Obama has focused more on civil rights issues regarding the war on drugs (probably a result of his history as a Civil Rights lawyer). He is also a strong supporter of rehabilitation. In his “Blueprint for Change” Obama’s platforms are laid out. It states that Obama will provide ex-offenders with access to job training, substance abuse and mental health counseling, and employment opportunities (this is similar to John McCain). One of the specific programs he plans to create is a prison-to-work incentive program that will reduce barriers that former inmates have faced when finding employment. Rehabilitation has been Obama’s main plan for reducing crime. McCain hopes to reduce crime by increasing the funding for community policing programs.
Another issue in which McCain and Obama differ is mandatory minimum sentencing. McCain supports mandatory minimum sentencing, which have most notably been used in drug-offense sentences. Obama proposes abolishing mandatory minimum sentencing.
I know that I just loaded a lot of information on you. Not all of it was in regards to rehabilitation but I believe it is important to get a broader understanding of the candidate’s platforms on all criminal justice issues if you want to make your own judgments on how realistic or how committed they are to rehabilitation programs.
After reading a lot about both candidates and gaining a fairly holistic view on their platforms regarding the justice system, I feel more confident that Obama will follow through with his rehabilitation plans. We have had the programs that McCain mentions for the past decade and yet our recidivism rates are still through the roof. Everyone will say that rehabilitation should be involved in the prison system, but it is the funding and the focusing on rehabilitation that really says something about their commitment to rehabilitation programs. Obama’s desire to abolish mandatory minimum sentencing shows that he is choosing a different direction for our criminal justice system – one that is more based on individual cases and less on the isolation and punishment ways of the past. Many of McCain’s platforms propose stricter sentences and prison time with no parole without any suggestion that rehabilitation would be involved.
But like anyone else I do bring my own biases to the table. I am against mandatory minimum sentences and many of the other aspects of the war on drugs that Obama also opposes. I also am for ex-convict voting rights. I agree with Obama more than McCain on many issues like this that do not particularly have to do with rehabilitation, which has caused me to trust Obama’s stances more than McCain’s. This is my interpretation of the candidate platforms, but I would love to hear how my readers view Obama and McCain’s different stances.
The United States has the largest prisoner population in the world, with some 2.1 million currently incarcerated people in our prisons and jails. Since the 1970s the number of inmates in state and federal prison has increased more than six-fold. States spend more money on prisons than they do on education! What do these statistics tell us? Something must change, and we cannot wait another four years for the change to begin.